Thursday, October 16, 2014

Max, Brandon, & Jake - Class of 2015

Way back when....I remember Brandon, Max, and Jake as freshman.  I remember wondering why they insisted on hitting each other and touching each other in the hallways all the time.  I thought to myself - Eh, they're just freshman boys!  They'll get over that.  Flash forward to their senior year and not much has changed!  They're still some of my favorite people to ever enter the halls of SHS.  They're hilarious, kind, and just well-rounded people!

I've known Brandon for longer than I'm sure he can remember.  I am best friends with his neighbor and I remember seeing Brandon run around as a child.  He was quiet then, and he still is to this day.  BUT, if you can get Brandon talking, he may - just maybe - have a conversation with you.  Brandon is the type of person that likes to sit back and watch things unfold.  I know that he has quite the personality behind that quiet/shy exterior!  AND - I got him to smile for a picture or two!

Max has always been someone who is outgoing and lively.  I'm not sure that I've ever seen him without a smile on his face.  He is a gentleman who treats people with respect.  I've seen Max grow as a student and as an individual.  His self-doubt as a freshman has slowly been taken over by his self-confidence.

Jake - THE #1 Superfan.  Jake has always been the most outgoing of the three boys.  He has a sense of school pride that I wish every student had.  He is proud to be a Bulldog and he wears his school pride on his sleeve.  Jake has become a very driven and focused individual.

All three of these boys have grown into respectable young men.  I know that I've said this before, but I truly hate to see the Class of 2015 go.  All of these individuals are part of the reason I teach.  They allow me to inspire and they make work fun everyday.  They definitely keep me on my toes!

This photo session was definitely like no other!  All three of them spent the afternoon with myself, their mothers, and each other.  It was an absolute riot.  From climbing on trains, to taking pictures with cars, to being Michael Jordan wannabes, it truly was an enjoyable experience!

Until next time...

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