Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nolan is Growing Quickly - He's 6 Months Old!

I don't even know where to begin with this adorable little man.  While his baby blues are enough to make me want to squeeze him, his handsome smile is a close second!

After looking at Nolan's parents, it's no wonder how he got to be so adorable.  Albana and Brent are two of the kindest individuals I've ever met.  I know I said this in Nolan's 3 Month Blog, but I truly feel like they are part of the Henry family that I became so close to - even though they arrived after I left.

It was great to see how much Nolan had grown since I saw him at 3 months.  He's sitting like a champ and he even gave me a sneak peek at his ability to stand.  As a matter of fact, there were times during the shoot that Albana had to physically bend his legs to sit because he preferred to stand.  I warned Brent and Albana that in a  few short months they would have their hands full!

The cool breeze was no match for Nolan's eagerness to do well during this photo session.  A cool breeze can turn any child into a cranky, I don't want to be out here, mess.  Not Nolan.  At first he was stone-faced, but just a few short minutes into the session he was his normal, charming self.  At times it was like the breeze was tickling him as he got excited and smiled as it blew through his hair and in his face.

Like I said, this is one of the most adorable families I've ever met.  Albana and Brent are two of the most laid-back, if not THE most laid-back parents I've ever met.  Albana and I were talking about how kids bring a level of stress into your life.  It's a level of stress we would never change, but it's caused us to start getting ready a little earlier, and to accept that things may not go as planned.  But - you roll with the punches.

I have yet to see Nolan upset or Brent or Albana lose their cool.  That speaks volumes about the type of parents they are!

Let's be honest - the children of the house are the rulers of the house in a sense.  If they are hungry, you feed them, no matter what you may have been doing.  If they need a bath, you drop what you're doing to bathe them.  If they decide that you should be late, you're late.  Plain and simple, they're worth every bit of it!

Until next time...

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