Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Meet the Millers - Party of Five!

I have never been so excited to go into a family photo shoot - and the reason being I got to shoot a wonderful family that I don't get to see that often!  When I started my teaching career I was fortunate enough to work at Henry-Senachwine High School.  The entire community welcomed me with open arms and I am still close friends with many people, Mike and Heather included, today.

I started in Henry in August of 2005 and within a short amount of time I met many people that I consider to be some of my closest friends.  At this time, Catherine and Jacob were little kids running around the basketball games.  They have clearly grown up to be one handsome boy and a beautiful girl!

Although I've only met Sophia a couple of times, she warmed up to me pretty quickly during this shoot.  It did not take long for me to figure out that she is full of personality!  Her many faces, poses, and comments were enough to make my cheeks hurt from laughing!  Along with her humor, it's very obvious to see that she also has a certain element of grace and beauty.

The best part of this entire shoot was trying to capture the natural relationship between all three children.  Sometimes they were more than willing to get close to one another - other times they looked at me like a lunatic when I told them to pretend they liked each other.  It was very comical!

I know that the humor and comedic style of the children comes straight from their father.  Mike is great at what he does an administrator, and you could see from his own children that they also look up to him as a father - sense of humor and all!

When I first met Heather I admired her for her ability to deal with the demands of Mike's job, as well as the demands of being a stay-at-home mother.  Now I admire her even more for being the mother of 3 beautiful children, and a teacher once again.  I can only imagine how much the kids love having Mrs. Miller as a teacher!

I know how demanding the educational profession is.  Take a husband and wife who are both in the field, and then throw 3 kids into the mix, and I question how one can keep his/her sanity.  Clearly, when you have such a great family to come home to, it makes the hectic hustle and bustle of the day seem irrelevant.  

I will say a million times over how much I adore this family.  I was more than honored to be able to have this photo session with them and I look forward to our next get together in Henry!  

Until next time...

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