Thursday, August 22, 2013

How To Smile When Your Kids Grow Up Too Fast...

 I never understood how I could love someone so much until I had my children.  Ella, currently 6-years-old, melts my heart with her sweetness.  I know that everyone thinks their child is the most beautiful or the best behaved...I can honestly say that my little girl is first class.  This picture is from her first  day of Kindergarten LAST YEAR.  I cried for 3 weeks anytime anyone asked how it was going for her.  I took her to her classroom that first day and cried as the teacher spoke to her class.  She asked me to go to the gym with the rest of the parents.  She hugged me on the way home and told me she would be safe and not to worry.

Fast forward to a year later...I still believe she's first class.  She is kind to her peers and is always watching out for others.  She is eager to go to school and loves learning new things.  When I found out she was in a different class from all of her friends, I panicked.  Although she has (in my opinion) one of the best teachers out there, I was afraid she'd be upset without her friends.  Her response...."That's okay mom - I'm still going to see them at recess."  Another reason that she melts my heart!  Here she is today on her first day of 1st Grade!

(If anyone is wondering....yes...I cried!  I just didn't do it in front of anyone this year)

We have a couple of traditions that we do in the Park house leading up to the first day of school.  The night before we get all of the supplies ready, labeled, and packed into the backpack of choice for the year.  This year, it was Hello Kitty.  Disclaimer:  She may want something different in December.

The night before we get the date written out and I ask Ella what she wants to be.  This year is was a teacher.  Being the emotional person I am at this time of year...I wanted to cry.  Part of this was because she said she wished she was going into 9th grade so I could be her teacher.  

The first day of school, we celebrate a new year.  We make sure to tell our children everyday how proud we are of them.  There is nothing more important than praising your children.  Some people are so quick to correct their children when they're doing something wrong, and so slow to praise them when they do something right.  We celebrate with cake and flowers - and always - the words, "I'm proud of you!"

This blog has been a lot about Ella - because she is the one going to school.  With that being said...I went to pick Tyler up from daycare today, and there was a note posted to his cubby.  Now - the ladies at daycare know that I am extremely emotional about my children.  I am blessed to have them and I know that daily.  So, when I read the letter and it said he was moving out of the toddler room, into the 3-year-old room, the tears welled up once again!  How can he be getting so big already?!?!?!

So, the title of this is "How To Smile When Your Kids Grow Up Too Fast...".  Hopefully that title caught your attention - but, I have to be honest in saying that I'm not sure I have the answer that will work for everyone.  I do have the answer that works for me.  Love your children.  Recognize that even though they're growing up quickly, you are blessed to be able to watch them grow.  Some people are not afforded that opportunity at all, and some people have that opportunity taken from them too quickly.  I am a mom. I would be lying if I said I have never wanted to pull my hair out.  Those moments are FAR outweighed by the moments that my heart melts from the "I Love You's" to the kisses I get at night.  Embrace them - because as we know - they don't stay little forever!  


  1. My little man (eldest of two) started Kindergarten today and this momma is an emotional roller cosater! Glad to know that I'm not the only who is a basket case!! Thanks for sharing your vulnerability!

  2. It is an awful ride for the moms! But when my daughter comes home full of excitement and fun stories it's so worth it! You are NOTalone at all!
